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Three Lakes Council

Lakes Waccabuc, Oscaleta, and Rippowam


Three Lakes Newsletter

Friends and neighbors:

Warmest wishes for a 2024 that is healthy, peaceful, and joyful.

Please consider adding some of these stewardship resolutions to your own list of resolutions this year. You can help limit phosphorus pollution and in turn reduce the amount of lake plants and algae that use phosphorus to grow.

1. I’ll pump out my septic tank and have it inspected and repaired if required.  By law pumping is required every 5 years, but more frequent pumping of older septic systems and those in poor soils will help our lakes. (If you’re not sure when you last pumped, send a note to with your address to get the latest pump out date recorded by Westchester County through 2022.)

2. I will overseed my lawn rather than spread fertilizer or pesticides.  I’ll tell my lawn service – or myself – to cut my grass high and leave the clippings on the lawn.

3. I’ll pull up invasive plants and I’ll plant a buffer of native plants to slow the flow of rainwater (and phosphorus pollution carried by that runoff) into catch basins and lakes. A buffer is especially important along lake shorelines!

4. I’ll pick up after my pets and throw their poop into the trash.  I won’t let any aquarium pets or plants loose into the lakes.  

5. This year I’ll make sure no oil or gas from my boat, car, or generator spills on the ground where it can contaminate groundwater and lake waters.

6. I‘ll get boat stickers for all my boats. If I take boats or gear to another waterbody.

7. I’ll check, clean, and dry them and make sure that they are free of weeds and shells before bringing them back, so I don’t transport invasive plants and animals.

8. I’ll cover bare ground with plants or mulch to limit soil erosion and phosphorus runoff. I’ll make a compost pile for leaves.

9. I’ll learn more about our lakes’ history, health, plants, or animals this year.

10. I’ll volunteer to help around the lakes. Some options to consider: helping the beaver crew remove debris, writing an article for the Three Lakes Council newsletter, submitting reports on harmful algal blooms, helping out at the annual picnic.

And more! I’ll contact to volunteer. I will join or renew my membership in the Three Lakes Council to help support the stewardship of our precious local lake resources. 

Thanks for considering these!

For those who want to donate to the Three Lakes Council, you can send a check to Three Lakes Council, PO Box 241, South Salem, NY 10590 or donate online by paypal.  We are grateful to all those who contribute to our mission!

A safe and happy new year to all. 


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